Christine: 8.14 “The Long Spooky Day”

Last time with the Diffys, Jon Snow and Sansa had their prom night and Theon and Brienne had their birthday into teens. This time…


It’s Spooky Day, so the kids are getting a three day weekend.


After much leaf raking, Brienne finally gets her set leaves on fire wish.


Daenerys wished for a writing skills point, so she was sent to the city side of Storybrook to take a class at the business center.


Don’t worry, Sansa went with her to supervise.


I spotted Trina McGinnis, the girl Jon Snow danced with, out here. She’s all grown up now, and I think she’s pretty in an interesting way.


Sansa: “I didn’t know Uncle Leo was still a mixologist.”

Daenerys: “What now?”

Sansa: “It’s Spooky Day. Want to go trick-or-treating?”

Daenerys: “Yeah!”


At home, Christine is catching up with her old friend Sam from university.

Christine: “I can’t believe your art is hung in museums now! I’m so happy for you, Sam!”

Samantha: “Yeah, and you have your hands full with all those kids! I would never have expected that. Are you dating anyone?”

Christine: “No, not for a while, actually.”

Samantha: “You know, I hear that Eddy does a lot of travelling for his job. Have you talked to him since college?”

Christine: “No, and I can practically hear you waggling your eyebrows at me over the phone.”

Samantha: “Well, who knows, he could be in Storybrook sometime.”


Christine: “That would be… interesting.”


Meanwhile, Jon Snow, Theon, and Brienne are at the park together.


Theon saw Kizzy there, now a teen. She has a boyfriend, but she also has a love interest, so she may still be available, Theon.

Theon: *gulp* “Nice to meet you again.”


Theon had a wish for apple bobbing, so he rounded up some people, including Kizzy.


Jon Snow won, thwarting the plan to kiss up to Kizzy.

Jon Snow: “Yes!”

Theon: “Just shut up.”


On the city side, Sansa and Danny are finally in their costumes after much standing around and waiting.

Daenerys: “It kind of looks like rain.”

Sansa: “Yeah, and this house looks empty, honestly. It’s been five minutes since you rang the doorbell.”


Daenerys: “Why doesn’t anyone want to hand out candy?”

Because anyone at home on the night of Spooky Day is a loner who doesn’t want to interact with anyone? Wait, I see her!


Finally!!! And now you two can go home; this is way more trouble than it’s worth.


As Danny predicted, it did start raining, like almost every day in my game. >.> But I’m forcing these three to go trick-or-treating and see if they have any more luck.


Nope. A whole lot of nope and standing outside houses as Brienne goes to beg at the side entrances. Or maybe she’s actually sneaking in to steal candy?

Jon Snow: “Well, we look ridiculous.”

Theon: “Yes, you do.”


Meanwhile, at home, Christine wished to have a costume party, as seen here with Chef!Kim.


Kizzy showed up in a lazy, just-a-mask costume.

Kizzy: “Now where’s the free candy?”


We have Rocker!Leo here.


Anna is exempt from wearing a costume since she’s pregnant. Nice trick there, Anna.


I was trying to get a good shot of these two dancing together, but it was just impossible, so here you have something very painful looking.

Kim: “Christine! Don’t knock me over like that with your wild elbow!”

Christine: “I need a cat nap.”


Julie, AKA better-late-to-the-party-than-never, is a firefighter tonight. And so ends the Spooky Day where I split the party into three different groups. NEVER split the party.


Whenever Danny is left on her own, she goes to play in the leaves.

Daenerys: “Whee!”


Daenerys: “I love the fall.”

You haven’t experienced the other seasons yet, so I guess that’s a good thing.


Christine got a career reward at city hall.


Outside, she discovers a protest. (Notice Kim still stuck in her chef outfit.)


Arienne: “No more broken handcuffs! If I get arrested, I don’t want to get away on a fluke!”


Christine quickly went over to make friends and take a selfie together.

Christine: “Let’s commemorate you fighting the power with a quick pic!”

Arienne: “Okay!”


Arienne: “Ah! I thought the flash was off!”

Christine: “Me, too!”


Arienne: “I can’t see anything!”

Christine: “Um, open your eyes?”


She and Harrison seem to be doing well, BTW.


Also, I didn’t even know kids could have rumors spread about them like this. Really, arrested? Bad Danny!

Daenerys: “Who, me? I’m just cleaning up these leaves that my siblings keep burning.”

Oh. Well, good job, then.


Jon wanted to go cosmic bowling, and I couldn’t find a bowling alley anywhere, so I just put a bunch of lanes under the skating rink. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fulfill his cosmic bowling wish. :/ And now I want cosmic brownies.


Jon Snow: “Why did I wish for this if you guys are just going to stand around as I fall like I’m on a slip ‘n slide?”


I told everyone to go home, and then the camera kept panning over here apparently wanting me to pay attention to this police officer. Yes, I know, I know…


As you can see, the house is literally within sight, and I guess this officer was confused who to go after, and in his confusion they all made it home without a lecture.

Officer: “Wait, don’t go. I really want to arrest you.”

That’s some enthusiasm you’ve got for your job.

Officer: “Meh.”


I guess I thought this laundry shot would be artsy. *cough* Anyway, it’s Sunday, and also Jon and Sansa’s birthday.


Kim is pregnant again! Awww.


Sansa: “Grilled cheese! It’s the simple pleasures in life, right, Mom?”

Christine: “Yeah, like having pie for breakfast.”

I’ve been having chocolate delight leftovers ever since Christmas, myself.


Jon Snow: *throws paddle* “You couldn’t let me win on my birthday?”


Christine: “Learn to accept defeat, Jon Snow.”

Jon Snow: “At least you didn’t say that I know nothing.”

Christine: “Wait, we should totally say that whenever you lose a game! You know nothing, Jon Snow!”

Jon Snow: “Ugh.”


They didn’t have anything to do for the early afternoon, so Christine packed them up for the festival.

Christine: “We are going to have so much fun, kids! Isn’t technology amazing?!”

Theon: “What does that have to do with anything?”

Jon Snow: “I don’t know, but just look happy or Mom will force feed the fun to us.”

Daenerys: “I want to go through the haunted house.”

Sansa: “But Spooky Day is over. I’m so over this! When is winter coming?”



Jian Li has been spotted!


Sansa: “Hey, Dad. How are you doing?”

Jian: “Moon of my life, you have grown up into a beautiful young lady.”

Sansa: “Okay. You don’t have to quote Game of Thrones.”

Jian: “Right.”


Nyota is also here, and Sansa practically steps on Jian’s foot to curtsy to her.


I spotted Kim in the distance, still stuck in the chef outfit and carrying Tara around.


Then Kathy showed up! This becoming a Diffy family reunion! And don’t worry, I found out the guy carrying her when she was a toddler was actually her grandfather on her mother’s side.


Jon and Sansa both had apple bobbing wishes. Kim looks on in horror.


I actually got a popup; Nyota won this time.

Nyota: “Yes!”


As you can see in the background, she started playing guitar in celebration, and Brienne was mesmerized.

Jon Snow; “Should we go over–”

Sansa: “No. You must resist being hypnotized by the guitar if you want to do anything else today.”


Then they headed home to get this birthday party started.


First thing the guests do is start a brawl on the back porch.

(That’s Anna’s daughter back there. I found out her name is Brenna.)


:O Kathy won! Against a teenager!

Kathy: “Pick on someone your own size!”

Don’t mess with Kathy, guys. I’m serious.


The Cassat family brought a bunch of their cats and they kept scratching up the furniture. >:I Nobody could really get to them to tell them to leave because the room was clogged up with Sims. And everybody got the “rude guest” moodlet.


Theon: “You guys are going to look so awkward in your EA pre-makeover clothes!”

Yeah, yeah.


Both of them at once, because let’s get this over with.


I’m really curious exactly how much Daenerys took from Arienne along with her eyes. I’m thinking her face shape and maybe her nose? Not sure about the lips, but it will probably be more obvious once she’s a teen.


Jon Snow is all grown up. He adds loner to brave, loves the cold, brooding, and night owl. He would love to be a Forensic Specialist.


Now Sansa. She adds animal lover to athletic, loves the cold, proper, and supernatural fan. Her LTW is The Zoologist.


Sansa: “Ta-da! I’m what you’ve been waiting for!”

Sansa’s got a big head because…


…she already knows you guys love her. Next chapter will be 9.1!

16 thoughts on “Christine: 8.14 “The Long Spooky Day”

  1. So that’s why they say to pick on someone your own size. Makes sense really, short people are kind of angry 😉

    Kittycat- Christine and chefKim was hilarious. It really looked like she’d been slapped around a bit. To bad with the kids trick or treat, but atleast they got to be traumatized by those damned pigtails on the old lady.

    Oh, Sansa won the roll. And she’s so pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol! Serves her right for picking a fight with a little kid! Although I don’t really know who started the fight; it could have been Kathy. o_o

      They weren’t bad dancers but all the pics came out awful. >.< Ugh, don't even get me started with those pigtails. It's traumatizing me if no one else.

      Yep! I think she's pretty, too. She looks fairly similar to Christine, but I love her dark hair. Thanks for reading!


  2. All I can think is that they’re only raking leaves so they can burn them xP (and then they did)
    I totally reset sims to their houses sometimes before spooky day. I want that CANDY. You can set it places and it looks cute!
    *Christine dances with a cat* haha That was adorable!
    And Yas flagrant selfie fails! Muahahahaa..!! Poor officer Meh.
    Sorry Theon, i tried.. Sansa is gorgeous though. And Jon Snow, he looks great! Sometimes kid sims don’t grow up as nice looking as it seems they’re going to :p
    The update was really a lot of fun, and so many things happened!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, that’s their only purpose with the leaves. xD It takes so long to rake them into a big enough pile to set on fire, too. It’s a bit annoying, but watching it burn is oddly satisfying.

      Oooh, that’s a good trick! I’ll have to remember that if I ever try it again. Oh, I don’t think I even had them eat the candy yet. It’s probably still in Danny’s backback. 😛

      I love the selfie fail! I’m glad you mentioned hanging it on the wall. I’ll have to do that and see how bad it is! 😀

      Haha, the boys did not get much love. Jon had zero votes for a long time, which was kinda sad. That’s true about them sometimes not looking as cute as you expect when they’re grown. But I was pretty happy with everyone this gen; for once no clones!

      I’m glad you liked this update! Thanks for reading. 😀


  3. Eugh Jian don’t quote Khal Drogo to your daughter! (that’s who that was, right??)

    Holy cow. Kathy is terrifyingly awesome. I didn’t know kids could even fight!

    I’m so glad Sansa won! When I voted mine was the first vote for her and Brienne was way ahead. I’m super duper looking forward to Sansa’s generation. :D:D:D:D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it’s part of what he and Daenerys used to say to each other. I was really trying to make his thought bubble work. XD

      I knew kids could fight, but I didn’t know different age groups could fight each other. O.o maybe my townies are borked. Smh

      Yay! Once Sansa took the lead she stayed there. It did come close to a tie, though. Thanks for reading. 😀


  4. Broken handcuffs? I’d say that it was a protest for no handcuffs since we all remember EA was too lazy to add them!
    Kathy is super amazing! You really can’t mess with this girl. I’d be afraid to try anything.
    I love how this police officer stood there and let them get away with it. Oh my, he probably didn’t get over the handcuffs protest yet. Imagine if criminals found that there really aren’t any handcuffs. Ugh!
    And yes, my pick won. Go, Sansa, and bring in gen 9!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are totally right!!! I forgot about that, but it is so funny when your sim gets arrested to see them holding their hands behind their back with invisible handcuffs. XD

      Kathy shocked me! I love her!

      LOL, simnation would be in chaos! Let’s hope it stays a secret. 😛

      Yay for Sansa! I really appreciate everyone voting. ^^ Thanks for reading. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kizzy is a gorgeous name. Really rolls off the tongue!
    Lmao the handcuffs protest. What? Okay EA….
    I hate the trick or treating thing in game. Because it takes so long for sims to actually DO anything, you get to do one or two and that’s the night over. Ugh it sucks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Aw, who would spread rumors about sweet little Daenerys? 😦 Or maybe it’s true and she just got away because of broken handcuffs XD

    Yay, Sansa! I’m happy she won 😀 She looks even more gorgeous than before!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow, what a busy chapter. ❤ The family seemed to have a lot of fun at the festival, bobbing for apples etc. And lol at Theon's plans to impress Kizzy failing. And yes Jon Snow, listen to Sansa. Sim guitars are bad news. XD

    I never allow my sims to go trick or treating, so seeing yours do it is fun. ❤ Ditto for costume parties.

    Danny…definitely doesn't have Arienne's nose. The face shape I'll agree with, and the brows look pretty similar as well, but the nose definitely not. Be glad. Arienne's nose usually doesn't mesh well with others' genetics. XD

    I'm super stoked Sansa won the poll. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I was going all over town when I was playing this! The festivals really are fun, but I kinda run out of things to say about it, lol. My sims really seemed to enjoy fall this time; they were always wishing to rake/burn leaves, bob for apples, and stuff like that.

      You’ve really got the right idea with banning trick-or-treating. I think a couple of the kids wished for it and I just gave in. >.<

      You've got to be right, I'm not as familiar with her features yet, and it's hard for me to tell on kids. I don't think her mouth looks like Arienne's either, but I can't be for sure until she's grown. Lol, Arienne's nose looks nice on her at least. xD

      Me too! I'm so stoked to start her gen! 😀 Thanks for reading!


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