Christine: 8.7 “Winter is Here”

Last time with the Diffys, Christine started her career as an architect. She also had a chat with Kim, which solidified her decision to have kids. Meanwhile, Tom and Gwen had their birthdays into elderhood. This time…


Jian Li was on the donor list, so Christine decided to meet him at the library.


After chatting a bit, they found out they’re both family-oriented.

Christine: “So is that why you would like to have kids?”

Jian: “Yes, definitely. I really want kids, but I don’t have a partner right now, and I’d like to have kids while I’m still fairly young.”


Christine: “I agree, and I was wondering, well, since you did volunteer as a sperm donor, would you maybe like to have a baby with me?”


Jian: “Christine, I’m really happy that you’re asking me that, because since getting to know you, I can tell that you’re a very caring person, and I think you’d be a great mother. So yes.”

Christine: “Great! I will just call the Disease Center now so that we can set it up.”


They get the appointment set up and meet at the Disease Center (and please ignore the fact that this took place at night and that makes it look like a romantic rendezvous).


Christine: “I’m nervous, but let’s go in.”


Her nauseousness the very next day shows they were successful.


Aww, how sweet. Ben found a partner late in life and is having his own kids. Magdalena is Lyle, Christine’s BFF’s, sister.


Gwen invited her sister to the gym because she had the wish to train her.


Gwen: “That’s right! Move your tush!!!”


I never use this aerobics outfit, so I thought it would be fun. 😀


It is now officially winter, and the house lights have gone up.


Either Tom or Gwen wanted to visit a hotspot, so they went together. And apparently stole Christine’s car. This is Fuscia Dance in Storybrook City.


This place was super bright and the lights were flashing constantly. Honestly it should have come with an epilepsy warning. I had to turn off some of the effects lights because it was very annoying. But after that adjustment, this place was really fun.


This mixologist was freakin’ awesome! She knew all the special tricks!


She was way too awesome to keep that generic face one look, so I gave her a makeover.


Gwen was very happy with her drink.


Then it’s off to try some bubbles. Tom is of course dancing.


Really people??? Clubs are not for dogs!


Whoa, I’ve never seen this before! That’s so cool that Ben got some more time with his family.


At home, Christine is starting to get a bump.


The nice thing about the architect career is that painting and using the sketch table at home counts for your work performance, so Christine can continue working during her pregnancy.


Although I felt bad for her and moved the easel inside because it’s winter. (Thanks to Buckley for pregnancy replacement clothes!)


Being stuck in the house during the winter helped Christine max painting!


I was getting sick of all the paparazzi wandering into the backyard and just fenced it in. (The miner is from inventor Jane in generation 5.)


This is just to show that Tom still works from home, and it’s still awesome. Tom hasn’t wished to retire, so he’s still plugging away.


Christine: “I’m so excited for the baby! I’m due any minute.”


Anna: “I’m happy for you, Christy.”


Anna: “I think your kid will be very happy, too.”

Christine: “Thanks, Anna.”


Anna: “Me and my husband are about to start trying for a baby.”

Christine: “Really? That’s so exciting! I hope we can have kids that are close in age.”


They ended up upstairs, probably to watch TV.

Anna: “Thanks for inviting me over. It’s getting late, though. I need to get home now.”


Christine: “Okay! Thanks for coming!”


Gwen: “Christy!”

Christine: “Mom!”


Gwen: “Well, I’m old now. I must be getting to bed.”

Christine: “OwOwOw!”


So Christine gave birth all alone, but she looks happy anyway.


This is Jon Snow, named after, well, Jon Snow (Spoiler alert for Game of Thrones season 4 and also nudity alert because Game of Thrones). I thought the name Jon Snow was especially fitting since he was born just after midnight on Snowflake Day Eve, so technically on Snowflake Day, and it was snowing outside. Jon has the traits brave and loves the cold.


Christine places Jon Snow in his crib.


And then places his twin sister, Sansa, in a second crib. Yes, you may have noticed that Christine’s bump did not immediately disappear after having Jon. She had twins, which were intentional by me as I had her listening to kids music all the time while painting. I thought the name Sansa was fitting since Sansa Stark (Spoiler alert for Game of Thrones season 6) is a sister of Jon’s, and since they were born on Snowflake Day, I wanted to name them after characters from the north. Sansa has the athletic and loves the cold traits.


Jon Snow’s favorites are hip hop, mac and cheese, and irish green. Sansa’s are country, grilled cheese, and lime. And now I will officially say that, yes, Christine rolled single as her marital structure. She doesn’t have anyone to help her except her parents, which is, admittedly, a pretty big help.

Next time: A Snowflake Day party and the twins grow into toddlers!

12 thoughts on “Christine: 8.7 “Winter is Here”

  1. Aww!! Christine certainly know what she wants! Man the generations just seem to fly by, I miss Salem and stuck Wanda and everybody! The architect career is tons of fun, it’s great that you had the kids as twins so you can actually possibly play it. Her donor’s not too bad looking, so I think the kids are going to be cute! Can’t wait to see more Tom & Gwen too. :3 they’re one of my favorite couples for some reason.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, Christine decided what she wants, and she’s not getting any younger, so there’s no better time. XD

      You’re gonna get me all sentimental with that. I miss Salem, and at least stuck!Wanda was good for a laugh. Things are starting to fly by now.

      I am having fun with the architect career, but I did have some problems that I will talk about in a later chapter. The less pregnancies the better, really. Twins were the way to go this time. I think Jian is a great donor, I just wish one of the kids had gotten his pink skin tone. >.<

      I really love Tom and Gwen. I think they're so cute and fit together well. ❤
      Thanks for reading!


  2. Aww, congratulations! I like how you decided to name the babies. And it’s great Christine found a way for her to have kids and not have to be in any relationship. Can’t believe generation 9 is already there!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Christine really knows what she wants with life. And clearly so does Gwen, since she goes to bed when her daughter’s in labour. Jian seems like good donor material. With twins it’s good to see that she’ll get her parents help.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, Christine knew this was something she wanted in life. Lol, Gwen. I guess she thought Christine could handle it.

      Jian has some good genetics. And, yeah, it’s definitely nice that she still has her parents around with that single roll. Thanks for reading!


  4. Ooh, Jian’s got some nice genetics. I love how the twins got opposite haircolours. ❤
    Lol at Anna and Gwen. I love Christine's expression in that first labour shot. She looks very confused. And Gwen will be Gwen. I lol'ed at her gravitation towards the bubble bar. I guess it's not only juice kegs that get her attention. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think so, too, and I kinda wish one of them had gotten his pink skintone. But I’m happy that they at least got different hair colors.

      I’m sure Christine was confused; she’s never felt that pain before! And then mom walks off. Okay.

      Ha, Gwen certainly has her vices when they are available! Eh, she deserves it by now. Thanks for reading. 🙂


  5. I’m glad Christine found a cute donor! I like his coloration.

    The effects lights are awful. The strobe effect gives me a headache

    Holy buckets! I didn’t know the reaper could give extra time for stuff like that! Way to go, Ben.

    Jon Snow! Sansa! Love their names!

    So a little off topic but I recently watched ALL of The Good Place. I like one of the characters in particular and I was wondering if I could get away with naming a sim Chidi. It made me 1) think of how you name your sims and 2) realize you might actually like that show! If you like Parks and Rec, you’ll probably like The Good Place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I really like Jian as a baby daddy!

      I can handle a few of the lights, but not everything at once!

      I was so surprised! :O Maybe Ben was hiding death flowers from me.

      Thanks! You could definitely get away with that, especially since it’s not a famous character name, and readers won’t just immediately think of the character instead of focusing on your story. So I think it would work in a realistic story without breaking the fourth wall (even though I love doing that). I actually watched the first few episodes of The Good Place, and it was pretty funny. I got too far behind, though, but now it’s on Netflix! I should watch the rest. 😀

      Thanks for reading!


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