Princess Carolyn: 10.16 “Criminal Clown”

Last time with the Diffys, we welcomed Aang and Toph to the family, and ended the chapter with a teen party. This time…

A nice breakfast together. Prepared by Sansa, of course.

Kyoshi thanks you.

Looks like things are going swimmingly up here.

Princess Carolyn: “Heheh.”

I am trying to get glow orbs. So far no such luck searching around the world. Apparently they have a chance of spawning during a full moon? That will be in a few days, so until then I want to have Princess Carolyn try to use the conversion spell to get one.

She spawns an apple and then uses the conversion spell to get something better. Rinse and repeat. But when she ends up with fish I feel bad and want to keep them as pets.

Lester: “Why is this room a mess?!”

Princess Carolyn: “It’s my life’s work…”

Lester: *grumble*

Big money, no whammies…!

Alas, no glow orbs made an appearance that day. But we did get some gems and now we have a salamander named Diego, a fairy damsel named Jarrett, and a snail named Kellie. I kept the game’s suggested names because I thought they were pretty cute.

Kim was out selling her wares and we got to see her ex Vincent in this criminal clown getup.

Love how she’s smirking to herself. He is pretty though. *sigh*

Pregnant Heather out here falling asleep on the sidewalk. Everyone stops to stare but no one likes her enough to help. 👀

I wanted Katara to learn the club dance, so she went out to a club but just did regular dancing because teens can’t learn to club dance and I didn’t know that until just now. 🤦

She’s still a really great dancer and freaking gorgeous!

No dude, the guy in a committed relationship whose girlfriend just had twins doesn’t want to go on a date. Plus he lives with your mom (Tenisha is one of Kim’s kids). And pretty sure you’re married.

Just going to drop these pictures here. 😅

Birthday time for the twins!

Aang definitely looks a lot like Lester, at least with his face shape and nose. And he got throwback skin tone from Sansa or Alexander.

Toph looks like she’s going to favor Lyn more, but I’m not 100% on where all their features come from yet. Toph also has Princess Carolyn’s hair color, because she got the white tips. I’ll probably change them to something else or give her the solid color back later on. And she has Lester’s skin tone in a deeper tone from Princess Carolyn.

Aang is a witch and Toph is a vampire. ^^

Adorable, right?

Ok, I feel satisfied enough with the house now to do a tour. So here’s the front, and I even did a little landscaping. *pats back* The house isn’t really lavender; it must have been the time of day.

To the side of the house we have a hot tub and sprinklers area.

The backyard is for recreation and I created a family graveyard.

The roofing got very weird in the back. But I can just ignore that.

The bottom floor has bedrooms for Sansa and Alexander, Kim, and Katara, and the main living areas.

The upstairs has Princess Carolyn and Lester’s bedroom, the nursery, and an upstairs den/entertainment room.

They’re definitely enjoying the new hot tub.

Toddler training!

Lester’s coming home after his team lost YET ANOTHER game.

Lester: “Coming home to the laundry already started is all I care about.”

I don’t know how to help them win. I only choose the “prepare for game” buff at work and they still lose. Maybe it’s just not high enough relationship with his coworkers.

Ghosts are out! And the only thing they want to do is ruin the ice cream machine.

That cake looks pretty good.

I always get nervous when a dishwasher breaks. I really should just upgrade this one.

*Holds breath*

But she gets through it just fine and can go mess with Kyoshi.

Kyoshi was nice about it.

Their lot up on the hill has some gorgeous views.

Kyoshi is going into labor and she had to look for Sansa, who is cooking right now.

I love that they both look to Sansa since they’re in distress. Kyoshi picked this spot right beside Sansa to go into labor.


Kyoshi: *screams at Sansa*

They’re fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.

The kitten on the left has the aggressive and adventurous traits, so I named him Zuko. And the kitten on the right has the adventurous and non-destructive traits, and I named him Sokka.

Princess Carolyn: “Awww so cute! This is good, right? IS THIS THE REACTION YOU WANT?”

Kim was out to sell produce and then picks a fight with my Simself’s daughter. SHE EVEN HATES MY PROGENY.

Then she got herself some fancy drinks so she came home looking STUNNING.


Next time: more ghosts come out and toddler skilling!

2 thoughts on “Princess Carolyn: 10.16 “Criminal Clown”

  1. You’re right that sims need to be friends with their co-workers to win games in the Professional Sports career. I’d suggest getting the Office Hero LTR and then using the social tone to befriend. That LTR is *amazing* for making friends at work. Once Lester is friends, use the Prepare for Game and they should win easily – oh, and don’t be late for the matches!

    The twins are so adorable! I love how different they look; benefit of 10 generations, I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the tips! I’m definitely going to use that LTR because just using the work buff isn’t cutting it. Not that Lester seems to be affected by this, but seeing that his team lost with zero points scored is disappointing. They’re not even trying. 😛

      Thanks! I really like the kids. ☺️


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