Christine: 8.13 “Prom Night”

Last time with the Diffys, there was an unfortunate double death with Tom and Gwen. So a funeral was held for the couple who weren’t separated for even a day. Danny also had a birthday. This time…

Here are a couple updates that really should’ve already been included but I forgot about them:


Douglas, Leo’s son, fathered Tom and Gwen’s first great-grandchild (and this did happen before they died, lol).


Harrison has found a new love in Arienne Marquel. Awww.


Rhonda has hooked up with Tad, who is her first cousin once removed as he is Ben’s son/her mother’s first cousin.


It’s time for Christine to get back into work. She took on a kitchen redo on the farming side of town.


Dolores Pride seemed to like it well enough.


Don’t look at the laundry! I only had to move it to get it out of the way. That’s not part of the renovation!


Vivek? Does he live here? I honestly have no idea what he’s been up to. I think Christine is level 7 or 8 in the career by now.


Anna’s daughter came home with Theon after school. I totally don’t remember her name, though.


Jon Snow and Sansa hurriedly finish their homework.


It’s prom night for them! This is a bed and breakfast on the town side of Storybrook.


Leo’s son Jack is here.


Along with Leo, who is one of the chaperones. How embarrassing.


Sansa starts things off by getting someone to sing karaoke with her.


And Jon convinces Trina McGinnis to dance with him.


Sansa thinks this guy is particularly handsome.


Her proper interactions are so cute!


Jon and Trina move on to slow dancing.


Jon Snow: “OW!”

Trina: “Oh! I’m sorry, Jon!”


Trina: “Are you mad?”

Jon Snow: “No, it was an accident. If you just weren’t wearing those heels, though…”


Sansa’s nonstop social interactions force this one to pee himself. Maybe he’s not such a catch.

All in all it’s a fun night, and the kids come home late and with runny noses from the cold.


That night is the first appearance of Gwen’s ghost.


Wanda was out, too.


Daenerys: All the dead people in this family are so famous.


I was just going to let Jon and Sansa sleep in a little longer since they came home so late. Then I got a popup that apparently the school is grateful I kept the sick kids home! I didn’t know that is something that happens, but after that Jon and Sansa got to spend the day at home.


Harry and Arienne seem to be doing well.


This is the point in-game where I was trying to get Simport to work, so everyone is here at the park waiting for Element the Suspicious to show up.


I spotted Ben’s widow around town. I love her eyes!


Jon Snow: The show was supposed to start at 4:30. It’s been over 2 hours…


Brienne and Danny play catch together.


Random Sim: “Watch this!”


Christine: “I hope that’s dirt.”


Random: *gulp*

Jon Snow: “Heh.”


Everyone got too tired and had to go home.


I kept an eye on the lot all the way through the night. He never showed up, and I’m not sure of the exact reason, but I guess it could be the size of this save file or the size of Storybrook County was too big?


Sansa was invited over to a classmate’s house one day.


Apparently he is the son of Faith, who is seen derping here.


This is their cat. That cute face will not excuse the puddle you just made!


The boy that invited her over had run off somewhere, so Sansa met his older brother instead. Hmm, I could totally see Sansa going after an older guy…


I totally didn’t mean to take pictures here at the park in the rain because their only reason for coming was so I could finally get a fall festival picture, but then it turned out to be Brienne and Theon’s birthday, so I had to.


Here is Kathy, the first 10th generation Diffy. I have no idea who this guy is that’s holding her.


Brienne goes first. Kathy, I know that guy might be your kidnapper, but you’re really ruining this birthday.


Brienne gains the socially awkward trait because I didn’t really know what to give her.


Theon’s turn.


Theon gains the innappropriate trait for pretty much the same reason.

And now I’m going to end the chapter because it seems a pretty good spot and Sansa and Jon are about to age-up in-game so I need to know who is going to be my 9th gen heir! And I really can’t decide, so an heir poll is coming soon!

18 thoughts on “Christine: 8.13 “Prom Night”

  1. A very nice prom you had there! I don’t know what’s up with the Simport, but that seems to be a rather common issue and it didn’t work for me because of this issue a couple of times as well. That guy Sansa met looks hot!
    Woot, an heir poll! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!

      Oh, that’s interesting that you had the same problem. I guess I can’t really expect it to work except in relatively new save files.

      Yeah, I think Sansa would love to end up with a hunky doctor, lol.

      The Heir poll should be up tomorrow. It will be the first time I’ve done one, so I’m really curious about how it will turn out!

      Thanks for reading. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Prom was cute! I love the little touches like the chairs on the side and it looked nicely decorated (lol moodlet puns). So where is Storybrook from? MTS? And I’m guessing the B&B came with it, and you hosted prom as a party? That was such a cute idea.
    Jon Snow is kind of pretty- but he’s not the heir right, you haven’t decided? I love seeing Leo’s family around town, he’s really a gorgeous sim, so I was glad SP was kind to him when you turned him loose.
    As for Element, I have no idea! -or excuses!- lol. I send him from a separate save too, and it’s weird how you don’t have to be online for it to work after you send them out, even though I was. He never really made more than a few hundred bucks on a show too, so it seemed like something went wrong on my end every time. At least the family had a nice time at the park, watching that kid eat dirt and playing catch :p
    XP I love that you made them socially awkward and inappropriate for basically no reason, heh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol, tbh that room was originally decorated like a wedding with the chairs in rows and such. I did the absolute least and just moved the chairs off to the side. xD Then I added in a karaoke machine, jukebox, and buffet, so it’s pretty similar to how it was originally. The bed and breakfast venue is already in Storybrook County, at least the version I downloaded, which is version 2, I believe. Storybrook County is from MySimRealty, here:

      TBH I didn’t even throw a party, I just used mastercontroller to force all the teens to come there and change them into formalwear.

      Yeah, Jon really is a pretty boy. 😛 He’s not the heir, but he could be! I’m going to put a heir poll post up!

      I love seeing extended family, I still have quite a few sims that I’ve been meaning to upload, too.

      Lol, no worries. Just wanted to note what happened here (and now you know how far behind the blog is from my gameplay). We made it work in the other save, anyway! That sucks that you had glitches on your end, too. Dustin needs to get paid for his hard work!

      I’ve really been trying to choose traits that match the book/show characters, but I just kinda froze up this time. 😛 Thanks for reading!


  3. You had a real prom for them, that’s so awesome! I love stuff like that. Did you just throw a party at that venue and invite a bunch of teens?

    Brienne’s new look is great! At this point I have no idea who my favorite is. Probably either Sansa or Brienne, but I like all the kids in this generation. Curious to see who the heir will be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love seeing all the teens dressed up and everything! Actually, I just used mastercontroller to force invite all the teens in town, then used mastercontroller again to change them into formalwear. Then I crossed my fingers that they would start doing stuff, but unfortunately a bunch of them just stood there in the entrance. xD

      I don’t really have a favorite, either! I think I’ll be happy with any of them. 😀 Thanks for reading!


  4. Sansa is so adorable that I’m dying. I love her curtsy! And if Sansa is like her literary counterpart, I could imagine her being infatuated with any guy who seems charming.

    Brienne and Theon’s traits seem to work for their characters, too! 😀 And I love Brienne’s look!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love Sansa with the proper trait! She can also “quip a witticism,” which cracks me up. Oh no, I’ll have to watch her before she falls for a Joffrey type. D:

      I thought those traits worked okay, but I just wasn’t all that satisfied as nothing seemed to fit perfectly and I just wasn’t feeling it. Oh, well. I’m pretty happy with Brienne. 🙂 Thanks for reading!


  5. Well, I know who I want as heir, but I’ll wait and vote in the poll. 🙂 I enjoyed the prom, but I had to lol at Sansa’s date. Not such a catch after all! Also, I had no idea you could keep sick kids at home without retribution! It sucks that the Simport didn’t want to work. Maybe he just got stage-fright?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooh, the poll is up now. ^^ I wonder who you want, though.

      It’s probably my fault for not letting him pee. >.<

      I was super surprised when I got the popup about the kids!

      I have no idea what's wrong with simport! At least it worked in another save, so I was happy to see the performance anyway. Thanks for reading!


  6. What a great idea to give the teens a real prom, even if Sansas date peed himself. On the good side, now she knows.

    To bad about the simport show that didn’t work. But they did have such a good time that they nearly passed out. Atleast that’s something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sansa’s probably going to steer clear of him now, unless he’s dazzlingly handsome as an adult. 😁

      Haven’t used simport in a long time; too bad it is so glitchy. Everyone was going to pass out! Christine stayed there the latest, and luckily I got her home before she fell on the ground! xD

      Thanks for reading!


  7. Oooh I hope I’m still in time to catch that heir poll! I’m probably not but I’ll have a look in a sec.
    I think those two traits were pretty appropriate for Brienne and Theon haha. They fit what I know of those characters anyway xD
    All of those pee puddles! At least the cat has more of an excuse than the dude. Not much of one, but… xD
    Kathy is super cute! I like her hair :3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry, the heir poll is closed. :/ But I’m glad I can play again now that the poll is over. 😀 I was way too far ahead.

      There was so many options but nothing seemed just right! I think those were probably most fitting, though.

      Yeah, at least kittens can still be trained. That boy, though. xD

      Gwen’s hair lives on! I kinda wish one of Christine’s kids had gotten throwback hair instead of three out of four being blonde. >.<
      Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

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