Tom: 7.12 “Paranoid”

Last time with the Diffys, Leonard aged up and proposed to Anastasia, then moved out, and Christine went on a little date (if you could even call it that with his attitude) with Alex Supine. This time…


Leonard invited Gwen to come over to his new house that he moved into with Anastasia, but when she got there no one was home anymore, so she couldn’t get in. But this is where he lives now.


Gwen has skilled up her social networking skill enough that she can use the Relationship Transmogrifier.


Hmm, I like the effects and animations for this.


Gwen used her newfound power to help Christine make a few friends that she had wished for.

Christine: “I like eggs!”


Ben decided to come over one night.


Tom: “Hey Ben, what brings you over here?”


Ben: “Uh, well, I was just kind of worried about you. Just wanted to come and check on you.”


Tom: “Why? I’m fine.”

Ben: “Well, just wanted to make sure you hadn’t gotten any, uh, strange messages or calls or, well, anything like that.”

Gwendolyn: “Why? Who would do that?”


Ben: “Okay, uh, I think that a certain someone has gone a bit crazy. I mean, Andy thinks that I pulled the prank on him, which is true, but now he’s trying to find ways to take it out on all of us. Like, he’s practically halted Leslie’s career, though she won’t admit it.”

Tom: “A**hole!”

Gwendolyn: “What a dick.”


Tom: “But what can he do to me?”

Ben: “It’s a hunch, but I think he’s going to look for some way to take down the company you work for. Unless you quit, of course. Andy thinks that the most valuable things in life are money and power, so this is how he wants to hit us. He’s going to find some policy or loophole; somewhere that your company has made a mistake or overlooked something, and take them down, whether by legal means or a public disgrace.”


Tom: “Sorry, let me answer this.”


Andy: “I know what you all are doing, okay?! Don’t think your actions are without consequences!”  *click*


Ben: “I can guess who that was. Speak of the devil.”

Tom: “Well, he seems paranoid.”


Gwendolyn: “What should we do? I mean, you leaving your job … I just can’t believe it.”

Tom: “That’s nothing. I’ve already started looking for something new. You know, with my work history, I can find a nice, cushy job sitting on my a** at home all day.”

Gwendolyn: “Working at home? Would you really like that?”

Tom: “Definitely. I can spend more time with you, with Christine, and we can go wherever you want. I think we should move.”


Tom: “Don’t worry about my job.”


Gwendolyn: “But move away from Ny and Leo? I just can’t …”

Tom: “Don’t worry. Just think about the kind of place you’d want to live.”

Gwendolyn: “I think somewhere much more quiet. A small town.”

Tom: “As you wish.”


They attempt a family meeting the next day. Leonard can’t make it because of his work schedule.


Nyota: “Of course I want to move with you guys! I’ve been itching to get out of this town for ages! And I’m sure Leonard will, too. I’ll tell him about it.”


Kim: “Tom, you really shouldn’t have let things come to this.”

Tom: “Hey, who cares? It will be better this way. A new place would do us all some good, don’t you think?”


Kim: “Well, um … I’ll certainly miss you all. So, so much.”


Tom: “Are you out of your mind? You are definitely not staying here in Roaring Heights.”

Kim: “But as the editor-in-chief–”

Tom: “As the editor-in-chief of Roaring Heights Times, you’ve clearly had a great career and anyone would want to hire you to take over their paper. So become the editor-in-chief at the new town we move to.”

Kim: “Tom, it’s not that easy.”


Tom: “Look, if you don’t have the money to live by while job hunting, you can just stay with me. It’s no problem.”

Kim: “Fine, if you really must, you’ve forced my hand. I will move, but shacking up in your attic or whatever will not be necessary. I will get my own place.”

Tom: “I’m glad. You know I couldn’t leave you.”

Kim: “If you say so.”


Looks like Nyota is drawn to the juice keg as much as Gwen is.


Christine invites Alex out again.


Christine: “So, um, this is hard, but … My dad said we have to move.”


Alex: “Really? How far away?”

Christine: “They’re kinda still deciding, but I get the feeling that it will be pretty far, like at least a few hours.”


Alex: “This doesn’t change my feelings. I mean, I think we had something going on, don’t you?”

Christine: “Yeah, I really like you. Can we still talk and stuff?”

Alex: “Definitely.”


Christine’s first kiss! And Alex once again tells me that it was a terrible date. >.<


Before the big move, we spend one more holiday in Roaring Heights, and celebrate at the spring festival for Love Day.


I would like to point out that Christine did invite Alex to come along, but he didn’t want to come. >:I


I can’t remember what their rating was, but by Gwen’s reaction it was good.


Tom: “You really believe in this thing?”

Gwendolyn: “Well, I was kinda nervous what it would say.”


After that, they autonomously decided to dance together, with Gwen taking the lead.

I just thought it was funny to watch Tom being dipped.

And I’m not sure what the point is to use the love tester for single Sims, but Christine was excited to try it.


This old lady randomly tried to kiss Tom. I guess Love Day was influencing her?


He was not having it, even on Love Day.


She seemed confused by the rejection.


Tom: “I may be evil but I would never, never cheat on my wife.”


And while at the festival I got a popup that I was a bit disturbed by. A marriage announcement that Brady and Miranda got married. They were the little boy and girl from a couple chapters back that got into a fight during one of our pool parties. Brady ended up winning the fight and everyone was booing Miranda. Let’s just try not to think too much about the implications of them getting married, shall we?

Next time: The Diffys will be in the new town!


10 thoughts on “Tom: 7.12 “Paranoid”

  1. People just aren’t taking Tom seriously in when he’s wearing the new Spring line. I still LOVE IT. Super casual family move too by the way. And is it possible that Alex either hates the outdoors or has a part time job or something?

    In answer to a previous post/ comment yes I absolutely love weird al. I especially enjoy randomly spamming my sports loving friend’s social pages with the sports song because it’s so generic. XP I never get responses and suspect they secretly hate it but I have this compulsion that I cannot explain.

    Worst Marriage Announcement Ever. Or they like it rough and then we shouldn’t judge them. Uhh but maybe send them to the new town too so we can see if they end up divorced or eternally faithful lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol, Tom’s t-shirts got more ridiculous as time went on. I just wanted to mess with him since I think it’s funny for an evil sim. xD Yeah, it is super casual. I can imagine that Leo and Ny are not established in careers since they both moved out not long ago, so they haven’t made any strong ties to Roaring Heights in that way, and the family is so close that they all want to stay together. But I really just get way too attached and don’t want to leave anyone behind. >.<

      Usually when sims can't hang out because of their job, it will say "call back in x hours" but I think I just got the generic "don't feel like it" response from Alex. I didn't find out all of his traits, so one of them could have been hates the outdoors. That's interesting, because I didn't know that that trait might prevent them from wanting to come out. Makes sense, though!

      I have a couple of his songs almost memorized, my favorite being The Saga Begins. And White and Nerdy is just genius. 😀 I am so excited because it seems I don't meet too many Weird Al fans! Lol, that's hilarious that you spam your friends with the sports song, even with no response. xD Did you go to one of his shows during the Mandatory tour? I really wish I had gone but money was tight at the time. 😦

      Yeah, I was kinda disturbed. Of course, if they do like it rough I wouldn't judge, buuuut based on their previous interaction I wouldn't think it was that. I actually left both of them behind, I think. Too bad because now I'm kinda curious.

      Thanks for reading!


  2. 😦 It’s sad that Andy kinda forced them to move. Despite everything, they’re still family. I’m glad the entire family will be moving to the new town. Will that include Andy, or will he remain behind?

    Lol at Tom’s shirt. Oh yes, he looks very evil in that shirt. XD No wonder the old lady wanted to kiss him. I really love Tom and Gwen. ❤ I'll have to say my favourite Diffy couple is a toss-up between them and CBxEmily.

    And of course Christine should test out the love machine on her own! If she can't love herself, how can she love someone else? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately what they did pushed Andy over the edge and he has no plans of reconciliation for them. They couldn’t get through to him now if they tried. I’m going to leave Andy behind, but it does make me sad that he won’t be on the family tree anymore. 😦

      Lol, we can blame the shirt for this. xD Yeah, I’d say it’s between them and CB and Emily for me, too. CB and Emily were so sweet together, but Tom and Gwen work so well and are great parents.

      Oh, I didn’t think about the love tester that way! So if it’s like a self-esteem test, that makes sense to me. Great way of putting it!

      Thanks for reading. 🙂


  3. Lmao I’ve never had a random sim try to kiss mine xD But there are still so many things in the game I haven’t done yet, oops!
    I’m not sad that we’re leaving Alex behind. He seems to have such a high standard for dates!
    But I am glad that Kim is coming along. We couldn’t leave her behind!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never had that happen before this, either! I was so surprised! I mean, his wife was within walking distance, too. Lol

      Alex was annoying, really. Luckily Christine wasn’t very attached to him yet.

      No way I’d leave Kim behind! Honestly the new town is mostly sims I brought over from Roaring Heights, with a few new families.

      Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

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