Kim and Jane: 5.8 “Memories”

Last time with the Diffys, Thad and Wendy got introductions, and decided to get a divorce, on the most amicable terms. Everyone moved into their respective careers: Thad in film, Wendy as a busker, and Jane as an inventor (and Kim already in journalism). Emmie also aged into a child, and I forgot to mention the trait she received, which is grumpy. This time…


C.B. and Emmie are at the spring festival at dusk.

Cinnamon Bun: “Now that you’re old enough, we should go swimming at the pool. The weather’s going to get really hot soon, believe me.”

Emmie: “Yeah, that’s definitely a good idea.”


Emmie: “Reminds me of our first day in Strangetown. You went to the fire station, I went to fish for a while, and then we met at the pool. You hid in the men’s room for a while because there was air conditioning, and I got into an argument with Loki Beaker. I’m glad Nervous got away from him eventually. Anyway, I saw a falcon across the street, but it bit me because I didn’t know how to handle it yet. And then we went home, and I kissed you–”


Cinnamon Bun: “Whoa, slow down! You really remember all that? I can hardly remember that.”


Emmie: “Yeah, I remember everything from Emily’s life. Well, it feels like my life, but I know it really wasn’t. Is that strange?”

Cinnamon Bun: “Um, well, I guess not, for a clone.”


Emmie: “And an overwhelming sense of being lost, trapped, and not having any clue who I am or what I want…is that also normal for a clone?”

Cinnamon Bun: “Yes, and pretty normal for regular Sims, too.”


Emmie: “Ever since I had my birthday, I’ve felt like this. Why did Salem do this? What purpose do I have? Am I supposed to be just like her?”

Cinnamon Bun: “No. A definite no. You are supposed to be you, and only you.”


Emmie: “But I’m not only me. My own thoughts are constantly overshadowed by her, and my memories tell me exactly what she would do in any situation. Should I follow through? Am I simply a vessel to give her life?”

Cinnamon Bun: “No. Emily’s dead. There’s no changing that, whether or not Salem agrees with me. I hope that you can live as yourself, and I don’t expect you to be just like her. You are you, and I love you for that, not because I think of you as Emily.”


In the early morning:


Emmie: “Hey! I knew you’d be out here.”


Emmie: “I’ve been wanting to talk to you. I need you to tell me what to do.”

Emily: “What to do with what?”

Emmie: “With, well, my whole life! I don’t know who I want to be.”


Emily: “You need to relax and just be yourself. That is hard, though, since you are still a child and haven’t grown up into who you’re going to be yet. So you should just do what you want to do, and try new stuff to find out what you like.”


Emmie: “But isn’t there something that you want completed? Something that you weren’t able to fulfill during your life?”

Emily: “Well, I can’t really think of anything right now. I completed my own goal of caring for the people and animals in my life. I always wanted them to be taken care of so that they could achieve their own dreams. I want that for you, too. And even if there was something, it’s not your job to fulfill that for me. Live for the now, you’re thinking too much of what is past.”

Emmie: “You must be right, but it seems like everything has only just happened. Almost all at once.”


Emily: “It is too late for me, and besides, I had my time. I ask only one thing: please take care of Bunny, he is the reason I still check in on you all.”

Emmie: “That should be no problem. I love him, too.”


Emmie: “Ok, I’m exploring new activities. Jane uses this inventing table; it can’t be that hard, right?”


Emmie: “Ow, ow, ow…I’m not very coordinated I guess.”


Kim: “How’s the hotshot actor doing?”


Thad: “Hmph! Still getting bit parts in TV shows, but I’m lucky to get that in this town. I’d have to be in another city, a bigger city, to really get my career going.”


Thad: “I’d probably still be following my dad if you and Jane hadn’t let me move in here.”


Kim: “Hey, it’s no problem. Everyone should be able to follow where their heart leads them, y’know?”


Thad: “Oh, uh, yeah, like if you had feelings for someone?”

Kim: “What?”



Thad: “Ever since we were teenagers, I’ve always liked you.”

Kim: “Wow. I feel the same, Thad.”


Kim and Thad sleep in the same bed that night.


Kim: “Boo.”

Jane: “Ugh, you have to be so ghostly on me right now?”

Kim: “I am a ghost.”

Jane: “Yeah, but only halfway, really.”


Jane: “Have you heard Wendy play the bass? She’s really good.”

Kim: “You just want to get in her pants.”

Jane: “What? That’s ridiculous, I really like her playing. You’re being weird today, Kim.”


Oh, hello there, service Sim!


Meet Puddy, the newest Diffy. That name was her default, and I actually love it.


Emmie: “Well aren’t you just…uh…the cutest.”


Puddy: *hiss*

Right. Puddy is aggressive and independent. Not the best combination.

Next time: Will Puddy get along with anyone? Also, Kim and Thad go on a date!


5 thoughts on “Kim and Jane: 5.8 “Memories”

  1. KITTY! Haha I have a cat that is like Puddy. She rarely meows and hisses all the time, even when she’s being nice! You open the door for her and she hisses her thanks. Weird cat.
    I was wondering who would pair up with who! So one couple down, another to go.
    Emmie’s self crisis is a shame but I get why she feels like that! Must be really weird to have memories of a past life when you’re just a kid…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, as long as she doesn’t scratch you that sounds like a nice cat!
    Yep, got to bring the next generation in somehow.
    Yeah, I wanted to give her something like that because of her being a clone. I hope it makes sense.


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